Boodah Consulting Ltd.
Question, Consider, Create

Collaborate on, new and existing, projects
With years of working in various teams, we're excellent at being able to adapt to an pre-existing team and contribute to a common goal.

Rescue Projects
Resolving bugs and technical debt
If you are having problems with development resources, or have a tight deadline, we're excellent at hitting the ground running.

Application Development
Using the best tool for the job
We can assist with all of your project requirements, whether it's building a proof of concept or producing a multi-tiered platform, we've built it.

Application Evaluation
Keeping your product responsive to change
Our application review services include advising on improvements to existing your codebase, and making incremental improvements to reduce the technical debt.

Website Developer
Creating powerful, dynamic and powerful user interfaces
We provide a wide range of development services ranging from creating responsive static HTML pages, to building web applications and services.

Continuous Integration
Providing software delivery solutions
These services allow your project to not only deploy, with little to no human interaction, it also includes bespoke CI workflows that fit most, if not all, needs.

Mentoring and leveling up others
We've supported a number of programmers along the way, assisting on setting up CI/CD for a project, and Agile Methodologies.
With over 20 years experience in software development, and platform design, we provide bespoke software services ranging from API development to platform delivery.